Indifference Doesn’t Equal Numbness
people are too afraid to react. This does not mean they do not care or they are
insensitive. Being indifferent, or snail-like is an easy attitude. Putting
aside your own desires to help others, being empathetic, and not too much for it
may cost you much! Moderation is requested!
It’s like when you see two people argue, a man and a
woman and you try to break up the fight and they turn against you. How come?
You were well intended and your good deed goes ashtray…. Maybe because too
much empathy hurts sometimes. It was just an example…
is another one that came up to my mind… what do you think is postponing a
planned holiday to raise money for your home – good or bad? After all, you
don’t live in a holiday resort 365 days a year, well at least most of us don’t,
not unless you are a millionaire and you are probably not reading my blog 😊
Invest in what really matters and
don’t regret in doing that. I am not saying that a holiday is bad. We all need
some time off, relax, sun, seaside, mountains and fresh air… Investing in
relationships is the hardest thing to do. It’s easier to buy a couch and become
a couch-potato, right?
Don’t loose your interest to invest
and don’t pick up a bad hobby like becoming “depressed”. Don’t loose your interest
in what is beautiful in the world, in yourself, in the ones around you.