Oamenii se ȋnchină multor lucruri. Se ȋnchină mȃndriei, bijuteriilor, proprietățlor, hainelor (modei), ultimelor tehnologii, serviciului (workaholic), dependențelor de orice fel. Dedică timp, bani şi energie acestora. Le investesc de multe ori fără să se gȃndească prea mult ce folos au de pe urma acelor activități dar totuşi sunt atraşi… ȋşi risipesc viața pe nimicuri. Cum spunea şi Eclesiastul ȋn ȋnțelepciunea sa, 1: 9 “Ce a fost va mai fi, iar ce s-a făcut se va mai face! Nu este nimic nou sub soare!” E un pic ȋnfricoşător, că nu e nimic nou şi totuşi fiecare aleargă să-şi umple golul din interior cu ceva nou...
Tu cui te ȋnchini? Cui ȋi dedici timpul tău,
resursele tale? Care este scopul tău pe acest pămȃnt?
English version
People worship many things. They worship pride, jewelry, fortune, clothes (fashion), latest technology, work (workaholic), addictions of all kind. They dedicate time, money and energy to those things. They invest many times without thinking too much of what benefit will they have from these activities but still they are drawn to them... they waste their lives on nothings. As the Ecclesiastes said in his wisdom, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Eccl. 1-9. It is a bit scary, that there is nothing new, yet everybody is running to fill their void with something new...
Who are you worshiping? Who do you dedicate your time and resources to? What is your purpose on this Earth?