What to Do When You Feel Like a Piece of S**t

I am sure that many of you have had good and bad, very bad days. The very bad days seem endless sometimes. How did you manage to get through those moments? How did you pick yourself up?

1.     1. Don‘t wait for someone else to cheer you up and “be there”. Sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

2.   2. If you want to reach for a helping hand, the best advice I can give you is to reach for God. Praying helps the soul calm and review the situation.

3.   3. Don’t think that addictions such as drugs, alcohol, porn etc. will solve your problem.

4.   4. Remember that you can’t fall lower than the floor. So when your mind is down, feeling weak, with grey thoughts, it is time my friend, to stand out for yourself and give up on whatever your soul is chained on to.

5.  5.  Crying might help, temporarily, though.

6.  6.  Making a list with pros and cons about the issue is also an idea.

7.  7. Still, I would go for willpower an faith. Remember that what  you put your energy into, that will develop and flourish. So, put your energy into something wonderful and get your ass of this situation! You can do it!

Peaceful thoughts



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