1. Idiocracy Today

This book is a phamplet inspired by real facts of life. The author noticed tremendous changes that affect our lifestyle and draws a white flag on certain aspects. Dear reader, Please do not feel offended and if you do, try to change that!

1.     Idiocracy Today

     Along the years there have been a lot of documentaries on the science of stupidity, that failed however to demonstrate why some less intelligent solutions are preferred by some people in problem solving. When talking about ”idiocracy”, this is a whole new chapter.
     What is Idiocracy? I define it as: People who think they are smarter than they really are succeed in a certain domain in life. Moreover, they are encouraged by society which cheers them up to the rank of God. It’s exhausting being God under the Sun every day, pretending everything is cool when it’s not! You´ve got to be trained to eat a lot of shit to swallow it!
     Happiness today is a religion that converts more and more followers.  You have to be happy regardless f what is going on in your life. If you are unhappy, you are sick or not cool to hang around with. If you fake happiness, something is wrong with you. Or at least that’s what societal opinion is based on. Why is that? Because happiness is an over whelming industry. To be happy you´ve got to have a lot of things (at least most of us do, that is the general trend): personal comfort – a comfortable home, vacations in as many places as possible, fashionable clothes, make-up, trendy gadgets and the list goes on.  
     What does this have to do with idiocracy? The people who adder to idiocracy have a tendency towards searching for infinite happiness. I am not saying that all these things are bad, if they make you feel good. I am just saying that there is more than serving our personal comfort. By the passing of time people have become more and more selfish.
     Virtual Autism is a new disease created by idiocracy. It affects both children and adults. What is virtual autism? Psychologists define it as people who are so focused in their devices (computer, mobile phone, tablet etc. ) that they don´t respond to whoever is talking to them. They stay like a zombie in front of the screen. It is no secret that plenty of car accidents occurred due to people who were too engaged in their mobile phones. 

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