from the U.S. to Romania
innovate, imitate!” seams to be the slogan that enlightens people in
Romania and makes them follow trends from the U.S. I am not stating that it is
bad to follow trends. But it is lame to always be a copy-cat… even is serial
killers! Can`t Romanians be originals in anything? While the news showed a killer
who confessed to murdering 100 women in the States, we have our own serial
killer the famous Dincă who killed at least 2 teenagers (the investigation
is still on going).
While in the U.S. there are several cooking shows like MasterChef,
Romanians had to have the same T.V. show, although the majority of the
population is living in poverty and they can´t afford the ingredients of a
MasterChef dish.
Family Feud is another T.V. program that
was a must have for the Romanian population. Of course, it is entertaining, but
to answer silly questions and to be made fun of just to get some money is
really below my mind.
Public speaking was something never heard
of in Romania before. I mean in the 90´s. Thanks to F. Wright and M. Stewart,
public speaking grew very fast in America in the 18th and 19th Centuries.
the great accent that is put on animal lives today is almost frightening. The
Romanian ecologist groups which follow foreign pattern are very involved in
their activity, which is a good thing, only they fail in certain aspects such
as: educating the parents not only the children to respect the nature and the
animals, applying real fines for
throwing cigars everywhere, and many other examples on this issue may be
Other aspects that are mind blowing in Romania:
Politics, How people get a job if they have a certain ethnicity, Why the police
is against the population, Why do disabled people have to be dragged to the
doctor every year for their disabilities, Unemployment, Health issues such as
medication or people with disability, Romanian Government woke up recently and
offered it´s students better conditions and laptops in order to pick their
Who is capable to chat upon these
subjects prefer to shut up because they still have their wage going so why stir
the still waters. Comfty, ain`t it?
Some disturbing aspects in the United
States: Politics, College athletes are
treated like celebrities, although they are actually just students taking part
in an extracurricular activity, Obesity, Unemployment and Employment, Unmarried women
giving birth to 40% of all babies in America each year.
Let´s review some of the topics I´ve
mentioned above.
Politics – well, both the Americans and the
Romanians have their own President that some want and some don´t want. I am not
a Politician so I will not stir the waters here.
Regarding College… While in the U.S. I have
noticed the accent is placed on sports and teamwork, very much competitiveness is
grown, in Romania the free spirit is grown. There, in Romania, students still
chat with “what am I going to do after this College?”, and most of them have no
answer to that. Is this chaos happening because the teachers are less rigid and
allow their students almost anything? Or is it due to the corruption? The news
showed a man who had 12 College Diplomas and he was bragging he bought them
all. Shame! On him and on the system…
The employment and unemployment ratio – I suppose
these numbers should be “normal” but why must we take them for granted? Why do
so many graduate students work as baby sitters or whatever they can find?
Unmarried women giving birth to 40% of all
babies in America each year, in Romania the abortion ratio grew due to the low
economic living conditions. If you don´t have money, how can you raise a baby?
Makes sense, right? Taking up responsibility is a big thing and many Romanian
women prefer not to go through motherhood alone. I can´t say I blame them but I
must remind the reader that abortion is a crime and that “living thing”, that
“fetus” is life. I know it´s easier to
see on the news when a criminal is caught, but if you have commited abortion
you are as guilty as that criminal according to the Laws of the Bible.
Obesity is and was a very tackled issue,
being the cause of various diseases, such as:
Obesity is common in both the U.S. and in
Romania, in children and in adults.
Creating public hysteria is also a common
feature for both countries.