Human life is so frail, it is like a flower, if you don`t take care of it, water it and weed it, then it will die... I was shocked today as I walked down the street I live and 1 hour later I had to go out again to see a terrible car crash. I was thinking what if I was walking the street when the car crush occurred? Was it luck I escaped this time? I don`t think so. I still think there is God watching over everyone and everything. But this accident sight got me thinking on how little some of us cherish our lives. Most of us measure them in money: how much did me earn or spend today... how sad, no? Very few think how many people did I help today. Many are still living in the past, full of hurt and regret, being depressed all the time - again how sad for them, they don`t get to live another life. 

Try to live as if today was your last day, and make peace with everyone in your life. You will feel better. 

Have a super weekend!