Envy, hate, distrust, lies,  you find daily at every corner. The more you open up to someone, the more you risk of getting hurt, that is why, the majority of us chose the other side, that is to hurt first.  It is an odd survival technique that, however, helps preserve the low self esteem. 

The perils of envy are played everyday at the Coffee shop of every broken soul in the down who is searching for a love supreme. The ubiquity of the situation is that we always search for what we cannot offer. That is why we feel empty. For example, you search for love and truth but you are unable to provide love and truth so you fail in your relationships... Envy is best emphasized in work relationships. Colleagues that can´t stand each other. It´s sad. It´s true. It´s life. 

Have an awesome day and don´t get caught in the perils of envy!