An Octupus Named "Greed"

 Everyday we hear the well known word "money". To many it has become a purpose in life. To some it is a punishment, as they have to make more and more every day, to provide for their families. To sum up, the word that describes this situation is Greed. We feed it and then we complain about it´s effects. We hide under the lame excuse stating that "we are only humans", therefore we are not perfect. Blah blah.. 

Ironically, Greed ("voracious" old Engl. version) is born from our from our desires.  Greed is like a schism between the rich and the poor. it is the mental line we all draw between the others, thinking that for whatever reason we are superior. We crave for attention, for applause and appreciation and we would do anything to get it from working 24/7, to learning 5-6 foreign languages, to changing religion, to tattooing the whole body. Greed is damaging the soul in such a way that there are few things that can shock me nowadays. 

Greed destroys laws and turns our normal lives upside down. Only a sick sick man could have suggested that children of 4 years should learn about masturbation in Romania. Why do we give voice to sick greedy bastards to ruin our childrens´ innocence? Why did Romania allow gay parade? Were the gay present when the Revolution was made? I don´t recall any history books mentioning them. 

I advise you  dear readers, to read Oscar Wilde - "The Portait of Dorian Gray" , as a remarkable example of greed. 


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