Stupidity or Hate ?(Case)

 I leave it up to you, dear readers for judging if it is a case of stupidity or of hatred... 

Three people who work in the same institution, share the same room and have access to two  toilets next to where they are working. Two persons have divided going to their "space" and go to one toilet, while the third person is using the other toilet. The other day, the third person seeing that the toilet shared by the colleagues was occupied and that the other colleague was waiting outside he told him to go to the other rest room and was amazed by the answer he received. His colleague preferred to wait  for his colleague to exit (having an empty toilet next to him)  rather than going to his colleague´s toilet. Is that person in the group so resented? Is it stupidity? Holding your piss because you are too... proud or stupid? Why? Have we degenerated so much from being humans? I see my dog smarter than many people, and I am right...

Have a wonderful day! 

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