Voicing thoughts in order to dominate others or "thinking out loud" is a common tehiqiúe used by manipulators. "It occured to me that...", "I was thinking of..." are some "unplanned" conversation starters for those who actually have their mind set on what they want to say. Playing dumb is the oldest trick in the book but surprisingly it catches new fools every day.  No wonder the increasing number of  behavior courses and methods.  

I am not stating it is something bad to be thinking out loud. But it may be bad, if your "unplanned" thoughts are meant to be heard, in order to manipulate someone´s state of mind and decisions. 

What can you do if you find yourself in such a situation when you feel you are manipulated by someone who is voicing his/her thoughts? You can listen to the show performed by that person and act the best way you think that situation requires, or you can let yourself be deceited without telling the other person what you think of the situation. 

Stay wise!