I don´t want my article to be judgemental, therefore I do not wish to discuss matters of mothers who leave their children to foster care or abandon them on the streets, nor do I wish to tackle the subject of the abusive parents. Like I said, I am not God and I do not have the right to judge. But I do wish to express my concern towards the mothers that display their children on social media as if their children were their biggest accomplishment in their CV. Seeing that so many predators work online, I believe they should be more careful. 

Another aspect that I saw, and this draws the curtains towards the parents education was seeing mothers walking small children down circulated areas to and fro instead of taking them to the park. I mean what was in their mind?! Small children need fresh air not emissions coming from cars.... anyway, I believe that many mothers are unprepared despite the existing books and courses for them. It is not enough to want a child. A child is not a toy. It is a human being and you are responsible for him/her at least untill they are 18 years old. Being a "proud" mom doesn´t ring my bell, unless you tell me your child is Einstein or a Saint that heals people. Proud of what? Of your child being healthy and normal? Of life taking it´s course? 

 One thing I know for sure; there is no perfect mother and no perfect child. But you can have the best relationship with your child if you work on it everyday (without making your child feel overwhelmed).